Becky Carroll

becky stone

Region: STA South West

'I graduated from Birmingham in 2007 with a first-class honours degree in Sports Therapy. During my course I started work in amateur rugby, which progressed to me gaining invaluable experience within professional rugby at Gloucester RFC. I have been a full time, self-employed Sports Therapist since 2007. My two basic, yet very successful injury clinics are near Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire where my main form of advertisement is word-of-mouth. I believe that my own struggle with injury has equipped me with copious amounts of sympathy for my patients, which is a characteristic I feel has contributed to the longevity of my business. The psychology of injury interests me greatly - something I am keen to explore further.

With my professional hat off: I am a Mum of two, three if you include my husband in that head count. I love nothing more than spending time with my family and exploring the countryside that surrounds us. Finding that work-life balance, (especially when you run your own business) can be hard, but I think I have finally managed to achieve that equilibrium'.

Kindest regards,

Rebecca Stone BSc (Hons), MSTA


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