Dan Ba Thein

dan ba thein

Region: STA Wales

After I qualified in Swedish massage, I soon realised that I was only having limited success helping clients manage their pain. I embarked on my level 3 and 4 Sports and Remedial Massage qualifications with a respected industry trainer and soon found a local clinic with a good reputation to work from and was mentored by a sports therapist who recommended I do some CPD workshops with John Gibbons. I subsequently trained at Level 5 with The Training School in Exmouth with Anna Maria Mazzieri, I was lucky enough to be recommended to Sport Wales and went on to work with Commonwealth and Olympic level swimmers in the National Pool in Swansea. It’s taken hard work and luck and I’m always keen to learn more and believe that networking with STA members in the Benefits Group has enabled me to identify future learning opportunities. The Tuesday evening “Let’s Talk About” features have been a great way to meet industry stakeholders and keep up to date with emerging evidence and treatment modalities.
I have my own treatment room, which I am in the process of moving into a circus school and bringing up to date with the COVID situation. I also offer CPD workshops in my local area to sports massage therapists.

am pleased to have been accepted as Regional Representative for South Wales for the STA. I initially joined for the member benefits and have been impressed by the personal contact, member benefits and ongoing support, especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic. I believe strongly in helping people find their feet and would like to see continued improvement in the industry therefore anyone in the South Wales area wishing to get in touch we have a Regional Facebook group where we hope to organise virtual meetings until we are able to meet F2F again.


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