Chris Kitson

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Region:STA North East and Yorkshire

Hi everyone! 

I’m a husband, Dad of 2 cheeky monkeys, MSK Therapist and Performance Coach with just over a decade of experience in the Health and Fitness industry (and I bloody love it!). 

I started my career in this industry in the form of Personal Training and team management, before integrating Sports Massage and Remedial Exercise in to my practice - a bit of a sideways leap from my previous career in music! 

I wanted to expand the depth of my clinical knowledge so gained a Masters’ degree in Osteopathy. I’ve since been lucky enough to have been invited to lecture at educational facilities, and professional events, as well as popping up on the odd podcast and guest spot here and there! 

When we’re not in lockdown, I lead workshops for teams of therapists, coaches, and athletes as well as being lucky enough to be the lead tutor for Movement Therapy Education in Leeds, and heading the Injuries module on the Body Type Nutrition Practical Academy. I’m really driven to help break down barriers between professions and get us all communicating more efficiently to help the people we deal with each day. 

In my day to day practice, I have worked with a wide audience ranging from geriatric clients wishing to improve their quality of life, through to GB athletes in various sports in both therapy, and coaching environments. 

My new business venture ‘Endurance Therapy & Performance’ primarily focusses on dealing with Endurance athletes, rehabilitating injuries, reducing injury risk, and improving performance. As a competitive (and very average!) Triathlete myself, I love working with the sport that is close to his heart. 

I’m really excited to help bring more therapists and like-minded professionals together to help grow our public and professional awareness to make the impact I know we can. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to connect and chat. 

Contact Chris

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