Emma Wardle

emma wardle

Region: STA South East

STA meet a Member and South East Regional Representative

Emma Wardle has 7 year’s experience as a Sports Therapist. She graduated from the University of Bedfordshire in 2013 after completing her BSc in Sports Therapy.
Emma began working in the Physiotherapy department at David Lloyd in Farnham, alongside setting up her own clinic at a private country club in Liphook, Hampshire.
Emma has 5 year’s experience in Rugby the most recent being Head Therapist at Farnham Rugby Club primarily for the 1XV but ran injury clinics for all the club’s teams, including academy and juniors.

Over the past 2 years Emma has built her private business to full capacity and has been working full time at her own Sports Therapy Clinic from her home in Aldershot, Hampshire.
Since living in Aldershot, Emma has started to integrate with different Army regiments and postings at Aldershot Military Barracks.

Emma has always taken a keen interest in health, fitness, injuries, nutrition and recovery from a young age as she played squash to a national level between the ages of U13 and U19. Emma continues to play for the Men’s 2nd team at Farnham David Lloyd.

I have been a member at the STA now for a few years and think Gary and the team are brilliant. I love the community spirit of everyone supporting each other and especially during the recent pandemic I have become quite active in trying to help support our industry and therapists. I would love to help and support more Therapists in the South East.

Emma Wardle BSc (Hons)
Sports Therapist


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