Dr Fiona Higgs

Fiona Higgs

Dr Fiona Higgs is an educator, researcher and Sports Massage and Exercise Therapy practitioner based in Northamptonshire. Fiona delivers in-person and virtual clinic services through her clinic 'Move Well', as well as a range of online workshops and short courses through the educational branch of the clinic 'Move Well Learning'.

With over a decade of experience working in Higher Education in research, teaching and student support Fiona has made it her mission to bring to life the drier scientific subjects taught in traditional degree programmes through her scenario-based teaching methods. Alongside her ambitions to improve scientific literacy and confidence in the Sports Therapy community, Fiona is also committed to reducing barriers to education and learning for those who find themselves unable to access opportunities due to financial cost, limited prior learning, and health and care responsibilities. Her ever-popular 'pay what you can' workshop pricing structure and 'Move Well Learning Grant' scheme are practical examples of Fiona's belief that education should be accessible to all.

Fiona is a co-host of the STA 'Women in Sports Therapy' podcast alongside Deborah Thurlow-Rowley. Together, Fiona and Debs bring their wit and worldly life experiences as women to this monthly podcast. Each new monthly episode covers an issue that might affect anyone who possesses a female reproductive system. From ovulatory cycles to opening hours - the aim of the game is to discuss and offer helpful insights and practical information relating to clients and practitioners alike. You don't have to identify as a woman to enjoy this podcast! With themes spanning from health to business acumen to planning for work-life balance and everything in between - the WIST podcast is for anyone working within the field of Sports Therapy who would like to learn more about the issues that affect this demographic.

Contact Fiona or Debs Thurlow Rowley  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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