Scott Loynes

Scott Loynes

I am a graduate Sports Therapist and Rehabilitator based in Seaton Carew in the north east of England. I initially graduated from Teesside University in 2006 but after a few years in the industry, left to pursue another career. In 2017 I decided to return to the industry and completed my MSc Sports Rehabilitation and started my clinic in 2018.

Alongside my clinic work, I am lead therapist at Billingham Rugby club and provide injury, rehab and pitchside support to the students and teams at Hartlepool 6th form college.

I have been part of the STA since 2019, when I took up my first role as the Regional Rep Coordinator. As well as this role I also develop and host our member-led podcast, STA Extra as well as the weekly Coffee Chats that cover a wide range of subjects from business development to personal well being and support.

Over the previous year I have been working in the background on resource development to distribute to our members which includes the updated industry code of conduct and ethical guidance, the new STA CPD format and submission procedures, clinical and risk assessment templates and most recently, a resource pack aimed at helping those who are just starting out in the industry or need some extra guidance.

The aim for the coming year is to continue to develop the resource packs further so that they are more comprehensive and relevant to all our members. We also have plans to develop the regional roles and groups further so that they offer more support and guidance to our members."

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