Associate Membership; This option is an annual policy, it needs renewing manually only available for a maximum of 2 years.
- STA encourage all members to meet the Level 4 criteria as soon as possible as this is minimum requirement for full practitioner status.
- Please note the following; This membership option is for those with a Level 3 qualfication issued between September 2014 and March 2024 and awarded by ActiveIQ, YMCA awards, ITEC or VTCT, with a MINIMUM of 60 hours Face to Face classroom hours.
- STA do not recognise 1,2 or 3 day courses for any membership category, even if they are advertised as being validated by other membership organisations.
- If your Level 3 was issued by another Awarding Body please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for guidance before submitting an application.
- We do not recognise Focus Awards or CIMSPA qualifications for any membership category
- This membership option has a limited scope of practice, you are only permitted to offer Pre,Post or Inter Event Massage and Maintenence Massage.
- You are not permitted to have any remedial intention with your treatment or attend CPD courses that has remedial intention.
- You cannot work directly on injured tissue
- Please send small smart phone photos of Level 3 qualification and 1st aid certificate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (we do not accept Massage for Sport or Massage for Performance courses with less than 48 hours face to face teaching)
Please complete ALL contact details including phone number on the form below before submitting it to join the STA as a Associate Member.
- This is a single year membership and you will need to renew this manually each year.
- Please enter your credit/debit card details to purchase this membership after submitting the form below and entering the payment portal.
- By completing this form and submitting an application you are applying for a single year membership which will not renew automatically on the anniversary date.
- You will receive membership expiry notifications to your registered email address 30, 20 and 2 days prior to expiry.
Please check your junk mailbox regularly and add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your safe senders list.
On receipt of all evidence and payment we will send you a link to a Dropbox folder containing your membership documents and important information.
Please read the website information regarding Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo and AOL account holders here
PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM MORE THAN ONCE. If you experience problems please contact the admin office on 01522 670137 or Gary on mobile 07774 553230