Gina Reinge - Reinge Education - CPD courses
Reinge Education provide CPD courses for therapists and trainers across the country, these are in both an online format and in face to face workshops.
Their Story
- Gina and Ian first ran their workshops in 2012 in the Bristol area responding to a local need for good quality CPD in the South West, however, the arrival of a tiny Reinge, caused a pause to these ambitions.
- The business relaunched as Reinge Education in 2018 developing and running five new face to face workshops in Bristol. In late 2018 these were expanded to include venues in the Midlands.
- In 2019 the first online CPD video’s were developed giving viewers access to high quality CPD without needing to leave their homes.
- The online Facebook group was created in 2019, to give Therapists and Trainers FREE online learning, via Case Studies, Top Tips and Critiquing Research.
- In 2020, in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the webinars were created, which have gone on to be our most popular product.
In 2019 Reinge Education won the National New Business Awards, being named the Best Leisure Industry Business.