Professional Development

What is CPD?

The HCPC, the current regulator for Allied Health Professionals defines CPD as;

‘‘a range of learning activities through which health professionals maintain and develop throughout their career to ensure that they retain their capacity to practice safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice”.

STA members please see explainer video at the bottom of this page

The STA CPD policy for membership category obligations;

An STA members interactive CPD form can be located in the file section of the STA members facebook group or in the members portal of this website after logging in here.

All categories except Students should complete the below CPD requirements per membership year and ensure they hold a current first aid certificate equivalent or of a higher level than Emergency First Aid at Work.

  • Student members: There are no additional CPD requirement whilst you study towards your qualification.
  • Level 3 members: 18 Hours CPD per annum for the duration of your membership.
  • Level 4+5 members: 24 hours CPD per annum for the duration of your membership.
  • Graduate members: 24 hours CPD per annum for the duration of your membership.

All of this information is to be collated on the CPD form on the members portal.

If you have not completed your minimum CPD obligation, please contact in order that we can assist you further.

What counts towards your CPD for your membership renewal?

At renewal of your membership, you are expected to submit a learning outcomes and reflections form which is available in your Dropbox folder.

  • Further Education Courses – e.g. Moving from L3 to L4 etc.
  • CPD courses related to your career – e.g. Taping course, Business Bootcamp, Dry Needling, plus much more that is relevant to your practice.
  • Listening to career related podcasts – e.g. STA Podcast, Massage Collective. You must log and reflect on the podcast content on the appropriate form
  • Webinars
  • Reading research articles and books that are career related.
  • Watching videos that are career related – e.g. Learn Anatomy Online content or educational content found online etc.
  • Shadowing someone for your career development, with relevant reflection notes on your CPD form

This list is not exhaustive and if you have any queries please email us and we can advise.

Contrary to social media posts, the STA confirm they do not recognise OMT Training online CPD courses.

CPD Partners